Thursday, November 15, 2007

Jenny Lewis in Rilo Kiley

I just discovered that Jenny Lewis is the lead singer of Rilo Kiley, sang back up for some songs for Postal Service, and has a solo album. Well I did reconize Postal Service I didn't reconize her name or Rilo Kiley until I started listning to her music and discovered that I have a bunch of her music from all her bands she has sung with and most of them are songs that have the highest plays on Itunes. (I usually just go to recommended songs on Itunes and don't really pay attention to the name of the song just if it sounds good). Anyway in light of this discovery and my newly discovered obsession I drew a 23minmax of Jenny. Love ya Jenny!


Kevin said...

Very nice Adam. I really like your style. I think it's pretty unique. I admit I had no clue who she or the band was, but kudos! :)

Jeff B said...

You should send this to her! I think she might like it!